“There is no such thing as a new idea. It is impossible. We simply take a lot of old ideas and put them into a sort of mental kaleidoscope. We give them a turn and they make new and curious combinations. We keep on turning and making new combinations indefinitely; but they are the same old pieces of colored glass that have been in use through all the ages.”- Mark Twain
Jack- 3D Hologram that Can Speak to You, That you can feel and that can understand you.
Jamie- Watch that Has a Pop Up TV that you can plug headphones in and watch TV, also serves as regular watch.
Caleb- Fridge with Robotic Arm that type in keypad to get ingredients (not just snacks or drinks, but also produce and pears.)
Aiden- Fork, Spoon, Knife, Napkin, and Straw together called Smorkin.
Adam- A robot that travels to Neptune
Rebecca- Dog Fitbit
Jessica- Pair of High Heels That have Emergency Kit built into bottom, Closet that dresses you within seconds of latest fashions, A necklace that notifies you when someone is calling you
Maya- Waterproof material that you can put on anything
Miriam- Emergency Kit in backpack or purse that gets bigger when opened, fashionable
Jenna- Bracelet with free wifi that you carry on your wrist
Emily- Closet with keypad where you type in what you want, pay for things you don’t already own, it gives you the latest fashion advice
Ben- Strep tester that you can put on your throat to avoid going to doctor
Noah- To prevent DUIs, inhaler that lowers the alcohol content
Mick- Instead of carrying backpack at school, you have folder that gets lighter as you put things in it
We had fun learning about what our peers think about our different invention ideas.
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