Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Just Can't Get Enough by Miriam

We our working on our budget. So much fun to work on and edit.  We just can't get enough.  There is so much to choose from in how you will design and budget for your product. We keep debating about the products.We are just hoping we can share all of ours together soon. Let's work!                                                                                                           

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Making It Creative by Adam

In fifth grade technology, we are building a business plan for the items that we want to sell. In the business plan fifth graders have to include: how they will sell their product, how they will make their item, and how they will catch the customer's eye. Fifth grade has come up with their own unique ideas and are going to try to "sell" it when they are done. Everyone has been working hard and cannot wait to finish their business plan.